INTRUST BANK wanted a brand awareness campaign to strengthen its market presents both among its consumer and business customers. The new campaign leveraged the "Tradition for Today" tagline and appealed to a wider audience who would appreciate traditional and wholesome values combined with modern day benefits. As a result the "Today" campaign was born and showcased the institution's values and deep understanding of its customers' needs. Multiple spots were created to capture relatable everyday moments like dancing and cooking for their consumers and day-to-day tasks for their business clients.
Three 30-sec spots (2 consumer and 1 business) ran on connected TV and social media channels in conjunction with nine 15-second spots (6 consumer and 3 business) featured organically on social channels. The spots gave a wide variety of scenarios and reached multiple audiences. To make the spots even more ownable a "freeze frame" technique was used to emphasize each moment of their customer's today, as well as deep navy and cyan blue palettes were used in propping and wardrobe. An additional special effect was added with the moving cyan line that wrapped around the main subjects in each video and further emphasized the moment. The line is also used to showcase the care and understanding INTRUST Bank takes towards each one of their customers.
See below some of the materials produced for the campaign.
Three 30-second spots (2 consumer and 1 business focused) These run both on cable and streaming television as well as on social media.

One of my absolutely favorite scenarios was filming the dog getting a bath. Hazel was such a well-trained dog and she had no complains over the multiple baths she took that day. Each scenario was features as its own 15-second spot that ran on social organically in feed and on stories, as well as paid and as part of paid carousel ads. In addition each spot ran as html5 animated digital banners.

Loved this scenario too, especially since this was the first time ever our young talent had a grilled cheese sandwich. He kept on wanting to take bites in between cuts and that was so sweet and precious.

Another fun one was the TikTok dance we had these three ladies, who had just met for the first time on set, do. The chemistry among them was so natural and real. They did a great job coming up with their own little dance in the living room.

Consumer bill boards featuring 3 of the 6 scenarios were running in major markets to create even greater brand awareness.

Two consumer and one business carousel ads ran on social featuring each one of the scenarios. For these we used the cyan line to create a connection between each card in the carousel ad and emphasize the continuous understanding and support INTRUST Bank provides to each one of their customers.

Here are the rest of the consumer scenarios featured on social media both in feed and as vertical stories.

And here are the three scenarios for the business customers INTRUST Bank chose to feature and focus on.

Work created while working at Bozell:
CD: Kerrey Lubbe
Sr AD/Design: Dessi Price
Design: Katie Doran
Copy: John Vogel, Dan Downs
TV production company: Bark + Below 27
Video resizing: Kyle Theobald
Project Management: Mary Kate Kawacs
Account: Jackie Miller and Laura Spaulding
Sr AD/Design: Dessi Price
Design: Katie Doran
Copy: John Vogel, Dan Downs
TV production company: Bark + Below 27
Video resizing: Kyle Theobald
Project Management: Mary Kate Kawacs
Account: Jackie Miller and Laura Spaulding